Self-employed Fedorova Elizaveta Olegovna (Федорова Елизавета Олеговна), represented by the Online Clothing Store "Archivarius" (hereinafter referred to as the Seller), located on the website archivariusbrand.com (hereinafter referred to as the Site), publishes this agreement, which is a public offer agreement (offer) addressed to individuals (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) on the following:

1. General provisions

1.1. This public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) is an official offer of the Self-employed Fedorova Elizaveta Olegovna (Федоровой Елизаветы Олеговны) to any individual to conclude a retail purchase and sale agreement with the Self-employed Fedorova Elizaveta Olegovna (Федоровой Елизаветой Олеговной) on the Website remotely on the terms defined in this Agreement and contains all the essential terms of the Offer.
1.2. This agreement is concluded between the Buyer and the Seller at the time of placing the Order by the Buyer.
1.3. An individual is considered to have unconditionally accepted all the terms of the Offer (acceptance of the offer) and its appendices in full and without exception from the moment the Seller receives a notification of the Buyer's intention to purchase the Goods on the terms proposed by the Seller (by placing an Order). In case of acceptance of the Offer, an individual is considered to have concluded a purchase and sale agreement with the Seller for the ordered Goods and acquires the status of a Buyer.
1.4. The Offer may be accepted by any individual who intends to purchase Goods sold by the Seller through the Online Store located on the Website.
1.5. The Offer, all appendices to it, as well as all additional information about the Goods of the Online Store are published on the Website.
1.6. The Seller has the right to make changes to this Offer at any time. The changes come into force on the next calendar day after the publication of the new version of the Offer.
1.7. This Offer comes into force from the date of its acceptance by the Buyer and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

2. Status Of The Archivarius Online Store (Seller)

2.1. The online store is the property of the Seller and is intended to organize a remote method of selling Goods produced by the Seller via the Internet.
2.2. The Online Store does not require the Buyer to take special actions to use the Online Store's resource to view the Product, calculate and place an Order, such as registering or concluding a contract for using the Online Store's resource.
2.3. The Online store is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when placing an Order.
2.4. The Online Store does not edit Customer information.

3. Buyer's Status

3.1. By making an Order, the Buyer guarantees that he has fully read the text of the current version of the Offer and accepts all its terms without exception.
3.2. When placing an Order in the Online Store, the Buyer is obliged to provide information about himself:
Last name, first name, delivery address of the Goods;
the contact phone number and e-mail address of the Buyer of the Product.
3.3.The Seller is not responsible for the Delivery of the Order if the Buyer specified an incorrect Delivery address.
3.4. The Buyer's will is expressed by submitting an application by email.
3.5. The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing an Order.
3.6. If the Buyer does not agree with any of the provisions of this Offer, the Buyer is not entitled to use the Online Store. If the Seller has made any changes to the Offer with which the Buyer does not agree, he is obliged to immediately stop using the Online Store.

4. Subject of the Agreement

4.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer to the Buyer the Goods intended for personal, family, home or other non-business use on the basis of the Orders placed, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the Goods on the terms of this Offer.

5. Definitions used in this Agreement

5.1. The Buyer is an individual who has accepted the terms of the Offer in full and without exception (who has accepted the offer).
5.2. The Seller is Self–employed Fedorova Elizaveta Olegovna (Федорова Елизавета Олеговна) under the brand "Archivarius", ИНН 510106034994.
5.3. Online store (Website) – a website located on the Internet at archivariusbrand.com through which the Seller carries out remote trade in Goods.
5.5. Catalog – information about Products posted in the Online Store.
5.6. Product - a material object (garments) produced by the Seller, placed in the Online store and available for Order by the Buyer.
5.7. Order - a request from the Buyer for the purchase and delivery of Goods selected by the Buyer in the Online Store to the address specified by the Buyer.
5.8. The Parties are jointly the Buyer and the Seller.

6. Product Information

6.1. The product is presented on the Website through photo samples that are the property of the Seller and the Online Store.
6.2. Each photo sample is accompanied by textual information: name, size range (if necessary), price and description of the Product.
6.3. The Website provides the Buyer with reliable information about the Product. If the Buyer has additional questions regarding the properties and characteristics of the Product, the Buyer must, before placing an Order, contact the Seller by email indicated on the Website.
6.4. At the request of the Buyer, the Seller is obliged to provide (via email) other information necessary and sufficient, from the Buyer's point of view, for him to make a decision on the purchase of Goods.
6.5. Due to different technical characteristics, the color of the Product may differ slightly from that presented in the Online store.

7. The procedure for the purchase of Goods

7.1. The Buyer has the right to place an Order for any Product presented in the Online Store. Each Product can be ordered in the quantity available in the Seller's warehouse.
7.2. The Order is placed by the Buyer independently on the Website.
7.3. After placing an Order, the Seller confirms the Buyer's order by sending information to the Buyer's email confirming acceptance of the Order, indicating the name, size, price of the selected Product and the total amount of the Order.
7.4. In the absence of Goods in stock, the Seller is obliged to inform the Buyer about this (by phone or by email).
7.5. In the absence of the product, the Buyer has the right to replace it with another Product with the consent of the Buyer or cancel the Order.
7.6. The approximate delivery time of the Goods is indicated on the Website in the "Delivery" section.

8. The Price Of The Product

8.1. The prices of the Goods are determined by the Seller unilaterally and indisputably and are indicated in the "Garments" section of the Online Store at the Internet address https://archivariusbrand.com/garments .
8.2. Prices in the Online Store are indicated in the currencies of the Russian Federation and the United States of America per unit of Goods.
8.3. The price of the Goods indicated on the Website can be changed unilaterally by the Online Store, while the price of the Goods ordered and paid for by the Buyer cannot be changed.
8.4. The total cost of the Order consists of the catalog value of the Goods and the cost of Delivery.

9. Payment for the Goods

9.1. The Buyer pays for the Goods using the methods specified in the Online Store in the section "Terms and Conditions" - "Payment".
9.2. In the case of non-cash payment, the Buyer's obligation to pay the price of the Goods is considered fulfilled from the moment the corresponding funds are credited, in the amount of 100% (one hundred percent) of the prepayment to the Seller's current account (Payment Acceptance Operator).
9.3. The Buyer pays for the Order in any way available in the Online Store.
9.4. The calculations of the Parties when paying for the Order are carried out in Russian rubles.

10. Delivery Of The Goods

10.1. The methods and approximate terms of Delivery of the Goods are indicated on the Website in the "Delivery" section.
10.2. Upon receiving the notification of the placed Order, the Seller confirms its receipt by the Buyer's email, and after sending the Goods by the Courier Company/The delivery service informs the Buyer of the data necessary to identify the Product and informs about the approximate delivery time.
10.3. The right of ownership and the risk of accidental loss, loss or damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the Goods are transferred to the Buyer or his Representative.
10.4. Upon delivery, the Goods are handed over to the Buyer or Representative. The Seller is not obliged to check the Representative's authority to accept the Goods if the Representative is located at the Delivery address.
10.5. In the event of the Buyer's refusal of the Goods, not due to violation of the terms of the quality of the Goods, the Buyer reimburses the Seller for the costs of Delivery and return of the Goods.

11. Return of Goods and funds

11.1. The return of the Goods is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Protection".
11.2. The refund is carried out by returning the cost of the paid Goods to the Buyer's bank card.

12. Liability of the Parties

12.1. The Parties are responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
12.2. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Buyer as a result of improper use of the Goods ordered from the Online Store.
12.3. The Parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the agreement for the duration of force majeure.

13. Other conditions

13.1. The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of this Offer in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
13.3. In case of questions and complaints from the Buyer, he must contact the Seller by phone or by email indicated on the Website.
13.4. All disputes and disagreements arising in the performance of obligations by the Parties under this agreement shall be resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to eliminate them, the Parties have the right to apply for judicial protection of their interests.

14. Seller's Details:

Fedorova Elizaveta Olegovna (Федорова Елизавета Олеговна)
ИНН 510106034994
Current account 40817810240018796320
The recipient's bank ПАО СБЕРБАНК
BIC 044525225
Cor.account 30101810400000000225
Contact phone. +7 (953)-752-72-72

Public Offer